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September 8, 2011
Fabric Gradient Dye Tutorial by *FireLilyCosplay Suggesters Words: I personally have struggled with the woes of dying fabric, and I think cosplayers everywhere will agree with me that this is an extremely helpful tutorial. The steps are clear and the results are even more promising. Hats off to *FireLilyCosplay for sharing this with us!
Featured by shelldevil
Suggested by simonsaz3
FireLilyCosplay's avatar

Fabric Gradient Dye Tutorial



At last, the long awaited Gradient Dyeing Tutorial! I'm sorry it took so long to make, but here you go!

I've had a lot of practice with this method, and this is the formula that works best for me, so I hope it can help you dye your fabric with ease. Fabric dyeing is actually one of my favorite parts about costuming, so please don't hesitate to ask questions if you have any - I'll be glad to answer them!

Tutorial and all images therein are Copyright Fire Lily and
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800x2654px 1.37 MB
© 2011 - 2024 FireLilyCosplay
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kyraltre3's avatar
Questions, what do you recommend for a costume that is mostly black with fade to red edges? Should I get red fabric and then gradient dye to black or get white and do both colors?